CDO, ABS, CMBS, RMBS, and covered bonds

Credit Default Swap / CDS

Housing Market

U.S. Subprime Originators

Bear Stearns, Cheyne Capital and Cambridge Place Investment Management

Private Equity

Press Releases National association of realtors

Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Fitch / Standard & Poor"s / Moody"s

Yen carry trade


Covenant-lite bonds

NY Fed | Fed Funds


Toll Brothers downgraded

  • "The global fallout from the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis won't dent economic growth in Germany, according to Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck, who said the country's financial sector can absorb the shock." source:bloomberg
  • "Toll Brothers had its shares downgraded to a sell recommendation Tuesday, as worries rise that rising problems in the market for large mortgages would hit the luxury home builder." source: cnn
  • "Following is a list of companies that made statements between Aug. 11 and 21 to indicate the extent of their exposure, together with details from analysts' research notes." source:reuters